Introduction Faculty
 영문-환경공학과 Introduction
The Environmental Engineering Department is committed to providing quality education programs in environmental science and engineering. The department provides authoritative guidance to individuals and organizations to prevent and to solve conventional and emerging environmental problems related to the quality of the natural and living environments as well as the impact of their application upon local and global society.

With thorough knowledge of the principles of environmental engineering, an environmental engineer's expertise is one that is essential to our present civilization and one that will become ever more valuable in the future. For this purpose, the department offers interdisciplinary and expertise programs in fields such as biology, chemistry, hydraulics, and engineering. Environmental considerations include water resource management, wastewater engineering, air quality modeling and management, air pollution engineering, solid waste engineering, soil and groundwater engineering, environmental impact assessment, global climate change, and green engineering, which are a part of the course of study.
Ultimately, our mission is to educate environmental engineers through a stimulating and supportive academic environment. Our students are well versed in fundamental knowledge and problem-solving abilities, and possess the technical, communication and interpersonal skills necessary for professional careers in a rapidly changing world. Detailed purposes of environmental education are established in our department as follows
  • - Future-oriented and creative disciplines in environmental engineering education
  • - Professional and interdisciplinary activities in environmental engineering education
  • - Global and executive instruction in environmental engineering education
Depatrment history
  • - 54 students enrolled in the 1st year class (no transfer student)
  • - Changed the College name to College of Energy and Biological Science
  • - Changed the University name to Seoul National University of Science and Technology
  • - 50 students transferred to the 3rd year class of a day school
  • - 30 students transferred to the 3rd year class of a night school
  • - 16 students transferred to the 3rd year class of a night school without admission test
  • - Changed one class of the night school for transfer students to a day school
  • - 5 students graduated in the 1st commencement ceremony for master of environmental engineering
  • - Opened the Graduate School of Industry (mechanical, construction, electronic, and environmental engineering), and 5 students enrolled
  • - Changed the University name to Seoul National University of Technology
  • - 3rd graduation ceremony for bachelor’s degree at the Open University
  • - 34 students made up the 2nd graduating class, and graduated
  • - 40 students enrolled in the 1st year class of the day school
  • - 40 students transferred to the 3rd year class of the night school
  • - 2nd graduation ceremony for bachelor’s degree at the Open University
  • - 25 Students made up the 1st graduating class, and graduated
  • - Newly established Department of Environmental Engineering
  • - Opened Environmental Management Course in Department of Chemical Engineering
  • - Opened Environmental Health Management Course in Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-743, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6623 / Fax:+82-2-971-5776
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